When you cross the door of a bookshop, you enter not just another shop but a truly magical world that offers you endless possibilities through reading: to travel, learn, explore, reflect, dream and – above all – to lose yourself in a book, recharging the batteries of your mind and soul. As Dr. Seuss, the renowned children’s book writer, has beautifully put it, “You can find magic anywhere; all you need is a book”. It is this kind of sweet aura that is radiated by LOGOPEGNIA (WORDPLAY), at 44 Saint Alexander Street, in Palaio Faliro, Athens, an amazing new bookshop created with the inspired renovation of an old one, thus continuing an almost 50-year old tradition. And, since we are talking about inspiration and magic, PROLAT took… its own magic wand and, with its outstanding, top quality products, turned an ordinary shop into a bright, friendly and tasteful place ready to welcome visitors of all ages and satisfy all reading interests.
PROLAT used on the floor its new product, LavaPlaster Cream, an excellent, hard-wearing and waterproof material in paste form, available in more than 200 colours and suitable for DIY works as well. PROLAT had a classical, tried and tested solution for the exterior area too: Quartz Mosaic, an anti-slip floor coating material with remarkable mechanical strength and elasticity, also available in a wide variety of colours, which, thanks to the natural quartz stone it contains, does not fade if exposed to sunlight and remains unaltered even in adverse weather conditions with no need for maintenance.
Finally, with LavaPaint on the walls, PROLAT ensured an original and highly attractive aesthetic result thanks to its slightly coarse texture that creates an impressive sense of naturalness and freshness. The mild, discreet colours of the materials selected have decisively contributed to the creation of a pleasant, warm and welcoming atmosphere that attracts and relaxes visitors. As Walt Disney once said, “There is more treasure in books than in all the pirates’ loot on Treasure Island”. LOGOPEGNIA bookshop knows it very well and is waiting for you to come and discover all its precious hidden treasures!