When inspiration meets experience, little oases can be created even in the dull gray environment of a densely populated metropolis and give life beauty and colour. This is exactly what happened in Petralona, Athens, when the magic wand of Art touched an old, grim and impersonal factory transforming it into a real jewel for the area: Zoumboulakis Gallery. PROLAT played a major role in the impressive reformation of the building with its widely recognized products, including industrial floor, Lavaplaster for the bathrooms and Lavamosaic for floors both at interior and exterior areas. Imagination, passion and the wear-resistant and well known for their high aesthetic value materials of PROLAT helped create a modern venue for hire suitable for various cultural events, such as painting, sculpture and photography exhibitions, theatrical performances, book presentations, private banquets etc. To remind us that beauty is not a luxury but a necessity in life; and that what really matters is not merely to survive but to live well.

Photoshooting by VWebdesign