Any professional place destined either for work or for public reception, besides being primarily safe, of course, should ideally be spacious, and have good lighting (preferably natural), an ergonomic layout and a tasteful appearance. PROLAT can significantly contribute to at least two of the above four features with one of its most popular products, LavaPlaster. These offices in Flisvos Marina, designed by the architects Constantina Dela and Lena Chalkiopoulou and constructed by Monogram, are an excellent example that clearly shows some of the advantages of this particularly practical and clever material. PROLAT applied LavaPlaster to all floors, creating monolithic, smooth and completely jointless surfaces only 4mm thick that make the space look noticeably larger and lighter. It is a reinforced and perfectly waterproof material suitable also for staircases, countertops, bathrooms, etc. It is available in more than 150 colours that cover all demands and preferences. Finally, it is worth noting that the use of a special varnish ensures full protection of the surface against all kinds of staining. LavaPlaster is, therefore, a versatile quality product absolutely worthy of its reputation that bears the signature of PROLAT.