In the heart of Athens, at the small but bursting with life and timelessly fascinating Mavili Square, a sea breeze seems to be blowing! FISH MARKET, a combination of a classic fish shop and a modern seafood restaurant, offers its fresh fish and seafood and its excellent and highly original menu in a light, cosy and friendly environment. PROLAT has contributed to the creation of this environment with Lavamosaic. Lavamosaic by PROLAT contains special resins that allow the final thickness of the mosaic to be no more than 6 mm and not 5 cm like that of old type mosaics. It is also worth noting that, thanks to a special varnish protecting against staining by oil and common pollutants, it is easily cleaned with any cleaning products. In addition, Lavamosaic exhibits outstanding mechanical strengths and therefore is an ideal solution both for interior and for exterior floors subject to heavy everyday use. Finally, as evidently shown in the photos, PROLAT guarantees, as always, an aesthetically impeccable result.
Photography by VWebdesign.